Here’s the scoop: We are junkies and, by definition, need to gets our fix. Daily. We’re no run of the mill underpass refrigerator box dwellers, we’re the classy kind of pushers/users that want to keep you coming back so we can share in our delightful addiction.

(Note: Always rollover the images for some sassy alt text).

Special Features

Won’t you come join us? Pop culture ephemera and shenanigans!

Socializing for antisocials

Tracking the habit of two junkies

That's so Batman!

Listen to Little Junkies Radio

Other bits:

♥♥The Love Connection♥♥: Once per week-ish, we plan to set you up with the guy/gal of your dreams (and their respective show, movie, book, album, web site, etc.)

Picture This: A picture is worth a thousand words, and some of them will show up here.

The Don’ts: Sometimes you just have to say no…

Fun Fact: Where whimsy and learning collide.

Think you know better? Lay it on us via a comment or send a note to and we’ll get on it asap. FYI, Junkie 2 is hittin’ ye olde books and finishing her MA–she’ll be around though, as will new and returning guest junkies!