Octopus Delight

Are you a fan of the Humpday Haiku and it’s mascot, Inky Goodness? Browse through the many guises of Inky to either fall in love–or fall back in love–with the feisty little octopus of Little Junkies.

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Octopus delight!

The original Inky Goodness

Inky Goodness!


The Twiku (Twilight)
Things to note: Pale/cold skin, sparkles, fangs

Inky goodness!


Octo-Earth (Earth Day 2009)
Things to note: North & South America, Oceans, butterfly-effect friend, grass

Inky goodness!


The Hughku (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
Things to note: Old-school costume, Stubble,
Lit Cigar, adamantium claws, berserker rage-y disposition

Inky goodness!


The Spocku (Star Trek)
Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Spocktopus!
Things to note: Bowl cut, pointy ears, pointy brows,
the Vulcan gang sign, phaser (w/ beam) set to ‘kill,’ blue shirt

Inky goodness!


The John Locketopus (Lost)
Things to note: Dharma beer, knife, t-shirt,
dead boar, smoke monster, scar under left eye

Inky Goodness


The Haikuinator (Terminator Salvation)
Inky goodness goes effing postal. Welcome the John Connor-ku.
Things to note: Crazy red peepers, general destruction/flames, bullets-a-flyin.

Inky Goodness!


The UPtopus (UP)
The UPku UPtopus–aka Inky Goodness as Carl Fredricksen.
Things to note: Plethora of Balloons, Glasses, Suit, Bow tie, Clouds,
Whispy Old Dude Hair/brows, Wrinkles, General Orville Redenbocherness

Inky Goodness!


The Ho-ku (Ladies Week):
Things to note: Stringy long hair, ghetto setting, possible
“John” parked on the left, acrylic shoes, exposed leggings, flirty
eyes, purse, dangling ciggy, and general consumption with the monies.

Inky badness


The Vampku (Vampire Week):
Things to note: Copious amounts of blood splatter,
lack of pigment (aka dead),  pointy-toothed skull, and general doom & gloom

Inky hotness!


Octopus Prime (Transformers: Rise of the Fallen):

Things to note: Spacey-blue backdrop, Mack wheels for hands,
Optimus helmet, faint (surely soon-to-be-obliterated) cityscape,
original Inky eyes are still there, and general kick-assedness!

Inky Goodness!


The Popku (Michael Jackson Tribute):

Things to note: Inky sadness, Kick-assedness, rhinestone glove,
exposed white socks, dapper hat, shiny dancin’ shoes, sunglasses.

Inky Sadness


The Harryku (Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince)

Things to note: Lightning bolt scar, mop top, round specs, Gryffindor tie, white shirt, grey sweater, black cloak, wand-a-twinkling, and ominous surroundings.

Inky Goodness!


The Goodbye-ku (Little Junkies is off to Comic-Con 2009)

Things to note: Storm Trooper-topus, dual E-11 Blasters, looming Death Star, Star Wars crawl-like “Humpday Haiku.”

Inky Goodness!


The Wookiee Cookieku (Food Week)

Things to note: Skinny bitch in the kitch, a chef’s chapeau, wooden spoon, apron, chomped cookie in Inky’s tentacle, pile of cookies on the table, cup o’ joe/hot chocolate, wandering cookie aroma swirls, clock denoting “cookie time” is apparently 2:25 pm, and a meticulously crafted outdoor scene through the kitchen window.

Cookie Goodness!


The 9ku (District 9)

Things to note: Inky prawn, one funky eye, one funky hand, a made with love flower in his hand, grungy grime, city backdrop, D9-ish type treatment and crosshairs

Prawn Goodness!


The Bannedku (Banned Books Week)

Things to note: Inky is so badass he reads banned books even if they’re on fire! Rawk!

Inky goodness!


The Villainku (Ode to The Monarch)

Things to note: Monarch symbol-inspired butterfly wings, pretty spot on Monarch brows and goatee, gold boots, gold dart-shooting cuffs, a crown fit for an evil king, hovering cocoon in the background, and general ragey ‘tude!

Evil Goodness!


The Spaceku (Ode to Space in Pop Culture)

Things to note: Inky as a little green man, Ziggy Stardust shout out (lightning bolt), stars and stuff, Galaxy-like waves, and what I’ll call impending invasion rage face!


The Ninjaku (Ninja Assassin)

Things to note: (a very stealthy) Ninja Inky, throwing stars, not one but two swords for maximum slaying potential, and grungy/mystical surroundings.


The Burtonku (Ode to Tim Burton)

Things to note: Sketch-y inky, black and white stripes and curly swirlies–Burton staples. Also, inky is green to match the cover of the book, Burton on Burton.


The Ps-ku (In honor of Photoshop’s 20th)

Things to note: Chopped & rolled inky, aromatic swirlies, and semi-sloppy ‘shopping care of yours truly.


Inky Man (Iron Man 2 Tribute)

Things to note: Iron Man inky (complete with helmet and blasters), hot rod red and gold accents, general narcissistic tone.

Inky Man


Kick-Ass Haiku (in more ways than one)

Things to note: Kick-ass scuba Inky, yellow gloves, two batons, general crimey grime, lots o’ blood, and Kick-Ass type.

9 thoughts on “Octopus Delight

  1. I’m glad you pointed out the grass. I almost missed that. ^_^

  2. SPete says:

    Voting for my fave:
    The Hughku, obviously
    (Lovin’ the detail.)

    PSku: Popku is great, too!

  3. […] octopus was doing up there–it’s because I designed it. Check out my pop culture blog, Little Junkies for more random iterations of our weekly haiku mascot. ▶ No Responses /* 0) { […]

  4. Electric Oven says:

    Ninja Assasin is cheesy in my opinion, the action sequence could have been much better

  5. zrose25 says:

    I was just revisiting these… They are so awesome! I cant wait to see what you make next. 🙂

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