Tag Archives: Hotness!

I pity the fool


Coolio, Coolio. Where for art thou, Coolio?

Favorite lyrics (besides each and every “fool”)

I’m an educated fool with money on my mind,
Got a ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye


Power and the money, money and the power,
Minute after minute, hour after hour,
Everybody’s running, but half of them ain’t looking
It’s going on in the kitchen
But I don’t know what’s cooking.

Now I have a mad hankering to watch Dangerous Minds

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New Directionals!

Have you heard the marvelous news?! John Stamos is going to be Emma’s dental dandy on Glee next season. Sorry, Shu, but you are SOL unless this singing (yes singing!) dentist is a doosh. This is no Shu vs. Coach Ken deal. Is it just me, or does Stamos kind of look like he could be Puck’s dad?…I digress.

Spoiler Warning — rambling Glee finale thoughts after the jump…and the haiku portion of the post

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