The Love Connection: Taking back the boob tube

At little junkies, we want to set you up with the best of the best so you’ll never be lonely. So, stop (!) in the name of love, and check out Junkie1’s favorite female tv characters. What’s the best part about my ladies? They are good examples of what I think feminism is nowadays. They are all wicked smart and none of them adhere to any specific gender role or societal more. They show female audiences that definition of character is up to us–they all eventually find their own way. Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. Power to the lady-types!

Best of the best.

*Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars): I believe if you look up sassy in the dictionary you will see Miss Mars. Nancy Drew would be shaking in her penny loafers if she had to do an ounce of the stuff Veronica’s done. Plus, she will taze you, bro!

*Lindsay Weir (Freaks and Geeks): Lucky enough to be both a freak and a geek, Lindsay may be the most honest teen soul-searcher to date. Plus, she can smoke a doobie and still be a better mathlete than anyone I know.

*Liz Lemon (30 Rock): My captain, my captain! Liz is hands down, the greatest woman in television history and 30 Rock is one of the funniest shows around. Also, she bought an expensive wedding dress and proceeded to wear it, sit on a dirty stagefloor, and eat some ribs in it. That rules.

*Maeby Funke (Arrested Development): Probably the coolest, attention-starved teen character ever. She took over a movie studio! Come on!

*Deb Morgan (Dexter): The best thing about Deb is that she is dynamic. Most shows set up a character in the first few episodes and try to keep them true to form. The brilliant writers on Dexter took Deb and made her true to life–from mumbling, self-conscious Officer Nobody to confident and clever Detective Morgan. In a world of busty, über sensitive, maternal wonder cops, Deb is a breath of fresh air. Plus, she can cuss you out like a pro. Also, Deb dresses like a real detective when she heads to work in the Miami heat (and she sweats! ::gasp::)…ladies of CSI:Miami, I’m talking to you.

*Sydney Bristow (Alias): She is smart, sexy, and can kick your ass. ‘Nuff said.

*Temperance Brennan (Bones): You have to love Bones. Who knew that a walking, talking scientific method would be so awesome? She is super smart, and is best when poking holes in the logic of others.

*Olivia Dunham (Fringe): After the first episode, it was clear that Olivia is the best federal agent around. She’s smart, tough, and has super powers due to mysterious government tests.Wee! Also, finally a female agent that doesn’t wear designer duds and chase criminals in Leboutins (ladies of CSI:Miami, I’m talking to you..again).

*Daria Morgendorffer (Daria): Basically an animated Janeanne Garafolo–hardcore cynic, sarcastic and generation defining.

*Elliot Reid (Scrubs): Just watch one German outburst from Dr. Reid and you’ll be sold (actress, Sarah Chalke really is fluent). The best thing about Elliot’s character is that she is defined more by the women she interacts with than the men. Plus, she brought me my favorite expletive: Frick. So much better than Frack.

*Charlotte Charles, aka Chuck (Pushing Daisies): From the moment she popped out of her casket, I was in love. Quirky, sassy, and independent. Also, Chuck has the rockin’est wardrobe in history and she owns copious amounts of books. Cool!

*Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City): There’s a reason this ground-breaking show centered on Ms. Bradshaw (nka Mrs. Big). All of her posse basically knew who they were–the classic (Charlotte), the professional (Miranda), and the independent (Samantha). Carrie was still figuring it out, constantly asking questions about the culture she lived in and making no excuses for her mistakes. Carrie let women know that it was okay to not have it all figured out..

Note: As lists tend to go, greats will be missing. Now, tell me who you think I missed.

At little junkies, we want to set you up with the best of the best so you’ll never be lonely. So, stop (!) in the name of love, and check out:
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10 thoughts on “The Love Connection: Taking back the boob tube

  1. […] you ever noticed something lacking when it comes to strong roles for women? Yesterday’s post had a list of some pretty rockin’ chicks of television…and most of their shows got […]

  2. Zrose25 says:

    Robin Scherbatsky (How I Met Your Mother): Haaaaave you met Robin? How could you not love this former teen pop icon, smart, funny, gun toting Canadian holding her own in the male dominant cast.

  3. Junkie2 says:

    Lorelai Gilmore. She had every opportunity to let her parents or some man take care of her and Rory but she never sold her self or her daughter out.

  4. Junkie1 says:

    You know what I love? The professions of these characters–I wish I could have any of their jobs (in order):

    Sleuth, wandering brainiac hippie, head writer/producer, studio executive, detective, secret agent, forensic anthropologist, federal agent, cynic, doctor, apiarist/sleuth, and writer.

  5. buckingthewave says:

    Here is my 2 cents:

    The Ladies of Television

    to summarize: Dana Scully, Yves Adele Harlow, Kathryn Janeway, Nyota Uhura, Wilhelmina Slater, women of CSI, Miranda Bailey, Sarah Walker, Lucy Ricardo, & Carla Espinosa.

  6. Junkie1 says:

    Oh, and I ALWAYS forget to give props to Ashley Jensen. Hi-larious as Christina on Ugly Betty even better as Maggie on Extras…RIP Extras ::sigh::

  7. Junkie2 says:

    After a weekend of catching up on season 1 I’m going to have to give a shout out to Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood. Although she needs to be protected from the supernatural physically, she can hold her own and go toe to toe with any person on that show. From the Sheriff Vamp of area 5 to the local bumbling sheriff and coroner she isn’t afraid to speak her mind and will stand up for herself and her family at all costs. Plus, you gotta love a gal that insists she be talked to like the lady that she is.

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