Tag Archives: toy story

Great Scenes: I’m Mrs. Nesbitt!!

Buzz Lightyear is arguably Tim Allen’s greatest role ever. Really, who could argue that point when you have material like this:

“One minute you’re defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down Darjeeling with… Marie Antoinette and her little sister.”

Fun Fact: Mrs. Nesbitt is the name of one of Pete Docter’s (writer/lead animator) grade school teachers.

Also, the carpet in Sid’s house is modeled after the horrible carpet in the basement of the house Docter lived in as a child, and in college he had a Toyota pickup truck pretty much like the one the pizza delivery guy used. It too had a “YO” on the gate.

Hats off to you, sir!

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That Sucks Thursday: Pixar*


* This is an odd post to write, because I really do love Pixar’s films (feature and short).


I say this with love: When it comes to your female characters, you suck. Not only have you never had a female lead character, but you have comfortably rested on some pretty archaic stereotypes in your short history. Is your memory failing you? This calls for a chronological rundown! To the Batcave!

Toy Story: The Groupies
–Bo Peep– A lamp! She’s not even a fracking toy!? When she’s not tending to her sheep, she’s busy smooching Woody to calm him down. Boo Peep is more like it.
–Mrs. Potato Head– Noisy, nagging wife of Mr. Potato Head.
–Jesse (TS2)– A larger role than the other two, but she is still a sidekick (literally in her backstory and figuratively), dependent, tomboyish, and cheerleader-y
–Other minor characters– Andy’s mom and drooling baby sister, Hannah; Tour Guide Barbie (if you make the comedic effort to make the ladybug in A Bug’s Life a man, why not make Barbie intelligent?)

A Bug’s Life: The Slave Drivers
They may boss everyone around, but at the end of the day they’re powerless over the male characters
–Old Queen– “Poor” Flick spends the entire film taking orders and trying to get back in the good graces of the monarchy
–Princess Atta– negative, can’t see herself as a leader without Flick’s help
–Dot– baby princess, naive, helper
–Other minor characters– Gypsy Moth and Rosie the black widow…need I say more?

Monster’s Inc.: The Scary Ladies
Who would’ve thought that these three were the most frightening thing in the monster universe.
–Roz– Crotchety, old, hag-style file room troll/slug. Oh yeah, and voiced by a man
–Celia– Receptionist, Medusa head, concerned with being treated right by her man (aka expensive date night)
–Boo– Human child, alien/freakish, poisonous monster in their world, basically no vocabulary, crippled by fear, victim

Finding Nemo: The Angel Fish
They all give or risk their lives for either Marlin or Nemo
–Coral– Maternal, dies saving her babies in the first five minutes
–Dory– Sidekick, dependent, naive optimism, brain doesn’t function when she’s not with Marlin. Muddled and befuddled
–Peach– Kind of helpless starfish
–Deb– Crazy, spastic, talks to her sister/own reflection, Flo (good thing she wasn’t talking to her Aunt Flo…)
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